Step 4: Navigate to the location where you downloaded BlueStacks and run the installer. It supports a wide variety of computer and laptop versions including WIndows 7/8/10 Desktop / Laptop, Mac OS, etc. BlueStacks is one of the earliest and most used emulators to run Android applications on your Windows PC. Step 2: Download the latest version of BlueStacsk Engine. So here is a little detail about Bluestacks before we start using them. Follow the on-screen instruction to complete the uninstall process. Step 1: Download and execute the BlueStacks Uninstaller.
Follow the on-screen instruction to update the drivers.
Step 4: Right-click on your graphics card and choose the Update driver option from the context menu.
Step 2: Type devmgmt.msc and click on the OK button.
Step 2: Download the latest version of BlueStacsk Engine. Step 1: Press the Windows + “R keys to open the Run box. Step 1: Download and execute the BlueStacks Uninstaller.
Refer to below video for more detail about how to enable Virtualization Technology on PC to boost the performance of BlueStacks Engine. Step 4: Save the changes and exit the BIOS. Step 3: Look for the option related to virtualization such as Virtualization Technology, Intel Virtualization Technology, Intel VT for Direct I/O. Step 2: Press either Esc, F8, F12 or F10 when your manufacturer’s logo appears in order to enter the BIOS setup menu. Solution 4: Enable Virtualization Technology Click Restart Now button after the changes. Once you have selected DirectX option, change the CPU Cores number from the drop-down menu and increase the RAM capacity settings to the recommended setting. Step 5: Select DirectX for graphics mode. Step 2: Click on the options button on the top right corner. Download Bluestacks 2 Free for Windows PC (10,8,7,XP) Download Bluestacks 2 BlueStacks has always been a great emulator, but the new version adds even more useful features.BlueStacks App Player is a fantastic tool that brings you an authentic world of possibilities for any Mac user, who will be able to use all the applications available on Google Play. Solution 2: Switch to DirectX graphics mode
Restarting the BlueStacks Engine from the error dialogue or PC usually do not resolve the issue. Problem: User reported that BlueStacks gets stuck in a loop with the error message “Could not start the Engine” or “BlueStacks Engine Won’t Start” showing upon BlueStacks launch.